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So after the tragedy in Connecticut a some politicians are pushing for new gun laws rather than mental health changes. In my area of Texas AR-15s are completely sold out! Actually I'm on a waiting list for one.

same thing up here in north texas. glad i already own what i got. biggest thing now is ammo!
Ammo shortage is temporary as the rounds (.223) are very common with bolt action rifles as well.
ya'll should be buying the stuff on a regular basis. Kinda reactive to go out and buy something after a tragedy such as this has happened. I remember the band on short stocks in Texas years ago. Everyone was all pissed when they couldnt get one, did you not think about it prior? If not, why is it so detremental now!

Same with ammo, every gun show I go to I get a few rounds for all my weapons. I think I am sitting on over 2K rounds for my 223, about 500 for the 7mm, about 5 ammo cans full of 12 gauge, about a thousand rounds for the 30/30, couple hundred for the 243, and well over 2K rounds for all my 9mm's. I have been purchasing ammo and weapons every chance I can. A little fore thought is what we need here. Proactive instead of reactive!

Lucky people... its close to impossible to get s license in nj, gotta know people first of all then gotta jump threw hoops like a circus animal... rediculious
Girlfriend and I had a "argument" of sorts about gun control last night, which brought her to tears because our future children are going to open my gun locker, grab my handgun, load it, and then shoot themselves. Yeesh. It probably didn't help that I was laughing the whole time either.

On the other hand, I am against swimming pools (she wants one) which children have a much greater chance of drowning in (more than 10x), in addition to pools being a pain in the ass to clean and take care of. But I support peoples rights to swimming pools.
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I had a feeling this topic was coming up. What a feeding frenzy, 30rd mags are sold out everywhere unless you want to pay ridiculously high prices.
I too am on a waiting list for an AR and hope to to see it before obama does his thing. I would imagine the ammo shortage should mello out. I try and buy a box or two when I see it on sale and my wife just doesn't understand.
Lucky people... its close to impossible to get s license in nj, gotta know people first of all then gotta jump threw hoops like a circus animal... rediculious

I've heard about the laws there. That's sucks man. Here in Cali, AR15s are sold out everywhere, luckily I built mine months ago. The amazing thing is that politicians call them assault rifles because their names are AR15. They don't understand the the AR stands for Armalite Rifle model 15. California laws still suck though. No mags over 10 rounds (ways to get around that) no mag release (again, ways). What I don't understand is they won't allow a mag release, but I can carry my 45 1911 on me (Ccw). Do they not understand how fast you can change a mag on a pistol? I can go through 3 mags in no time, yet if its a rifle, you have to have a bullet button. Politicians are idiots.
Knee jerk reaction for gun control like usual. Shameful people blame the tool and not the person. More deaths from doctor malpractice than guns. Ban doctors? Knives? Bats? Cars? Where does it stop? Ban the gun, only criminals will have them. Take my right to defend my life??? Don't think so.

As for shortages... I'm in no rush to go out and buy at these ridiculous prices. Things will mellow down as they usually do. If not, I have some stock piled for now.

Oh, and please boycott Dick's Sporting goods, Cheaper Than Dirt, etc. They pulled sales of their firearms due to the shooting. Complete and utter insanity. They of all people should be supporting our 2A rights.

I feel the best course of action is to ARM teachers and staff and properly train them on a continuing basis, SRO etc. (Those that want to). Gun Free zones do NOTHING. There is no magical force field that stops people from coming in with a firearm. It only disarms law abiding citizens.

Write your representatives and let them know if they support any kind of ban you will not be voting for them again. Remind them that YOU are the ones that put them there and you can just as easily remove them.

If you are not a member of the NRA, or other firearm organizations, please join. Right now, memberships are $25 for the NRA AND they give you a $25 Bass Pro Shops gift card! How can you beat that? 217.AAG&hid=4487688

And please do not take my post as a lack of sympathy for the tragedy that happened. I have an 8 year old daughter myself. It brought me to tears.
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Mr Larson
I don't understand the gun culture in America at all.
There's one of the worst shootings and gun and ammo sales sky rocket??

Why the fuck do you all want to shoot each other for?
An armed population solves gun problems?
Mental health issues are non repairable from where I'm sitting, clinically insane or just insane... In the US it's one or the other. The gun culture you all are part of looks insane from here....

Begin the rationalization of the culture and the flaming

Now lol
As a Canadian I agree with Camo. I have nothing against guns personally. I'm a gun noob...But I can't begin to comprehend the need for such "big" guns. The need for anything with a larger capacity then a handgun or hunting rifle baffles me.

Maybe it is just American culture like Football lol
As a Canadian I agree with Camo. I have nothing against guns personally. I'm a gun noob...But I can't begin to comprehend the need for such "big" guns. The need for anything with a larger capacity then a handgun or hunting rifle baffles me.

Maybe it is just American culture like Football lol

There is nothing BIG about an AR-15. It shoots a .223 round. Pretty damn small, just a larger charge behind it. My hunting rifle is a 30.06 which is massive compared to it.

It gets such bad rap because its evil black... Magazine capacity is a horrible argument. 10 vs. 30...? Means nothing. You realize it takes 1-2 seconds to swap a mag?

Most handguns hold 10-15 rounds. Again, 1-2 seconds to reload.

Ban guns and then what? We can no longer defend ourselves against the crazies with guns. Criminals do not obey gun laws. They are criminals, remember?

It IS American culture. Our bill of RIGHTS gives us that right.

These are not GUN problems. They are people problems. You think if he could not have a gun he would not have come up with any other way to cause mass harm? Look at the bombings, the airplanes on 9/11, suicide bombers etc. No guns. Were you all crying to ban airplanes? Why are cigarettes still legal? Alcohol? 10x more deaths related to those. No one is crying about that... Why?

Second hand smoke kills 53,800 people a year. SECOND HAND SMOKE! Lets focus on guns though... Right.

Why do we want to shoot each other? Nice conclusion. Crazy people want to kill people, no matter where you live. WE want to defend ourselves from THOSE people. They exist. Do not kid yourselves.
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These are the same guns:


They are a ruger 10/22. They shoot a tiny .22 caliber bullet.

Here are some common pistol rounds with the 22 on the end.


Its all about image with the media. They could care less about "facts". People play off of that crap.
So after the tragedy in Connecticut a some politicians are pushing for new gun laws rather than mental health changes. In my area of Texas AR-15s are completely sold out! Actually I'm on a waiting list for one.


I work for an AR manufacturer on the weekends and our stuff in going hot. Im in Cali
There is nothing BIG about an AR-15. It shoots a .223 round. Pretty damn small, just a larger charge behind it. My hunting rifle is a 30.06 which is massive compared to it.

It gets such bad rap because its evil black... Magazine capacity is a horrible argument. 10 vs. 30...? Means nothing. You realize it takes 1-2 seconds to swap a mag?

Most handguns hold 10-15 rounds. Again, 1-2 seconds to reload.

Ban guns and then what? We can no longer defend ourselves against the crazies with guns. Criminals do not obey gun laws. They are criminals, remember?

It IS American culture. Our bill of RIGHTS gives us that right.

These are not GUN problems. They are people problems. You think if he could not have a gun he would not have come up with any other way to cause mass harm? Look at the bombings, the airplanes on 9/11, suicide bombers etc. No guns. Were you all crying to ban airplanes? Why are cigarettes still legal? Alcohol? 10x more deaths related to those. No one is crying about that... Why?

Second hand smoke kills 53,800 people a year. SECOND HAND SMOKE! Lets focus on guns though... Right.

Why do we want to shoot each other? Nice conclusion. Crazy people want to kill people, no matter where you live. WE want to defend ourselves from THOSE people. They exist. Do not kid yourselves.

AR that shoots 300 blackout now thats a gun
Just like any issue that is open for debate, there will be a very small percentage of people that are part of the "extreme" left or right. The majority will fall somewhere in between.

The gun culture that we in the USA are part of, was cultivated over many years. It is what it is, nothing will change that.

I am not new to guns. I have had a gun placed to the back of my head and I was told that I was going to be killed. I have been assulted by an individual with a machete, and the fact I pulled a gun, had the following result: 1. The individual crapped himself 2. He dropped the machete 3. He ran. He never asked what caliber the weapon was or how many rounds it carried.

I would never advocate that any law abiding person forfeit his right to own a gun, but the recent events at Sandy Hook Elementary School have forced me to reconsider my outlook on some gun issues e.g. the need for multi-round clips.
I don't understand the gun culture in America at all.
There's one of the worst shootings and gun and ammo sales sky rocket??

Why the fuck do you all want to shoot each other for?
An armed population solves gun problems?
Mental health issues are non repairable from where I'm sitting, clinically insane or just insane... In the US it's one or the other. The gun culture you all are part of looks insane from here....

Begin the rationalization of the culture and the flaming

Now lol

I can understand why you would feel that way because you are not here in the US so what you're saying does not sound so crazy. But as an American, I love my guns. I build them for a living. I enjoy teaching people build and going out to the range. This is my right. I don't go around shooting people. Guns are easy to blame because most people don't understand them. Now don't you think its silly if we tried to ban fertilizer after the Oklahoma bombing? People are fucked up and they will find a way to kill.

Oh and don't forget mexico. You find bodies on the streets all day. and they don't even have readily available to the public.
I don't understand the gun culture in America at all.
There's one of the worst shootings and gun and ammo sales sky rocket??

Why the fuck do you all want to shoot each other for?
An armed population solves gun problems?
Mental health issues are non repairable from where I'm sitting, clinically insane or just insane... In the US it's one or the other. The gun culture you all are part of looks insane from here....

Begin the rationalization of the culture and the flaming

Sorry Camo but I think its crazy to not be pro-gun. Maybe its because I grew up with them and use them responsibly. I hunt, go to the range and will use them for protection.

- The 2nd amendment guarantees our right to protect ourselves.
- If there had been and armed teacher this CRAZY PERSON would not have been able to shoot so many innocent people.
- All gun owners should be educated in the handling of firearms.
- Gun sales skyrocket because we all know that owners will be grandfathered in.
- There isn't a GUN PROBLEM! There is a CRAZY PERSON problem. Crazy can be TREATED and shouldn't be able to purchase or handle weapons. Crazy people and criminals will always get the tools they want to use to commit the crimes they desire to do. Therefore I have the right of protection. The school was a GUN FREE ZONE, did it prevent the horrible slaying of innocent lives? NO!!

To those wondering if people like me are just reacting to this the answer is yes and no. I have wanted this type of rifle for some time now for two reasons. First I am interested in competing in shooting competitions with it. Secondly I want to use it hog hunting. I have chosen to go ahead with the purchase simply because we have had this type of band before (which did not prevent any mass killings of even lower death rates from firearms) and I don't want to not be able to have one because some politician decides they are bad for future consumers.

Look at Switzerland! How often do you hear of these types of shootings there? They have a peoples militia rather than an army. Everyone can own guns.
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