Would you recommend 600 mile service at the dealership?


New member
I just got the 600 mile service done at Cycletune in Portland (Garage / Cycletune Portland Oregon). They did everything that is recommended in the manual (including checking/adjusting the throttle body synchronization) but NOT the oil change as I did that myself. They charged me one hour's labor - $78.50. They are a small 2 man shop with impressive bios (read about them on their website). I highly recommend these guys for anyone in the Portland area.

FYI, the dealer (Beaverton Motorcycles) quoted me $105 for the 600 mile service minus the oil change.


Avid Rider
Just to kind of bring this thread full circle for me...I finally got the bike in for the 600 mile service. They were at first quoting me $240 for it...I told them I already did the oil change, they said they'd knock it down to $170. Still not too happy but really with no choice, I went for it.

Well, they must've messed up on their notes because they subtracted another oil change quote which brought me down to a grand total of $100 bucks!

haha, I'll take it! I quickly signed what I had to and got the eff outta there before they could call me back!


New member

I too was wondering about the 600 mile dealership service. I have had my fz8 for a week now and just rolled over to 350 miles. Just wanted to say thanks for evryone who contributed to this question . Saved me a ton of time haha . Fz8 Forum rules! :D