What is your longest distance?


New member
Quick and simple question -
what is the longest distance/trip you did on your 8 ? :)

One Day?
Total Trip?
FZ8 N or S ?

How was it ? (seat, wind, ergos, economy... everything! :) )

winter caught me right after I bought the bike... I am considering some longer hauls this year on my 8N - therefore I ask :)
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0!! Mine is still in the crate behind the dealership with my name on it.

But I thought I would chime in seeing as I have a 6 and the keys to a 1 (my dads).

The FZ6 (faired) = Longest day was 800km. Total trip was 2200km in three days. Lovely trip. Seat sucked but everything else was awesome. Even saw 375km to one tank while drafting a semi. Twisties rocked and the highway wasn't bad. Needed more torque, which is why I have my own 8 coming.

The FZ1 (faired) = 1200km one day. Longest trip was 1800km in 2 days. Bike was perfect. Lovely protection and amazing ergonomics. I even loved the seat. Fairing is pretty good, though the fat tank on the 1 does begin to get tiresome.

Can NOT wait for my 8, and the snow to melt.
I have done a few 6 hour rides. Somewehre in the 200 mile range, with stops and getting fuel. I am planning on doing a 10K mile summer. I have several maps with routes planned out already. Going to do the tail of the dragon, and see all of southern Virginia, and West Virginina mountains. Pretty excited for this summer. The 6 hour trips i have done I didnt have any issues with the seat, I was a tad stiff once I got off, but I could of gone more without any issues. Not like my old CBR's or GSXR's. Thinking about getting that gel cover pad for 50 bucks on ebay just to add al ittle padding!

the day I saw CalsCrazy on the three sisters was a full day of riding. 3 tanks of gas, but probably only 500 miles total. some highway, lots of twisties. and when I got home I was definitely sore. was NOT a fan of the stock seat at all. aerodynamics were good... and if you were NOT driving into the wind, they were fantastic. good control, good steady speed. and the next day we got up and put another 2-300 miles on them again.
I have done a few 6 hour rides. Somewehre in the 200 mile range, with stops and getting fuel. I am planning on doing a 10K mile summer. I have several maps with routes planned out already. Going to do the tail of the dragon, and see all of southern Virginia, and West Virginina mountains. Pretty excited for this summer. The 6 hour trips i have done I didnt have any issues with the seat, I was a tad stiff once I got off, but I could of gone more without any issues. Not like my old CBR's or GSXR's. Thinking about getting that gel cover pad for 50 bucks on ebay just to add al ittle padding!


You should take a trip to the Noke for this.

The Blue Ridge Bike Fest 2011

468 miles in one day on a faired FZ1 and my wife on her fully faired FZ6R. This was on a round trip of 1,520 miles from NH to Michigan.
If I go for a day ride I put about 400-600 miles. Longest trip was last year around Scotland 1800 miles in 6 days fully loaded. Seat comfortable, foot pegs height good, suspension waaay to soft. It was bottoming out feom time to time.

It was on faired Fazer8
Furthest on the FZ8 (n) is about 600 miles, but have a few 900 mile days going to and heading back from GA in May. The seat is godawful...can feel the seatpan digging into your tailbone at about 100 miles. Got a Corbin on order, that should solve that problem.

As much as I love the FZ8, it'll never be the mile eater as my '06 VFR...I have over a dozen 900+ mile days on it, not including 2 days of 1250.
I'm not sure on the mileage but I have often left home at 6am, ridden my local twisty's, fuelled up 3 times and stopped for lunch an a few small drinks breaks and back home at 5-6pm.
Seat at first was like sitting on a rock but is far better now. Other then that, my knees get a little tight and I always come home dehydrated....It's hot here ;)
hutru01, Thanks, looks like that will be my first trip planned to start this summer. Looks like a bad ass time. Definately going to be there. Thanks again!!!!
About 750km in a day, 3000km in a 7 day trip. I must say I find the bike quite comfortable. Sure I was a bit tired after 750km, but considering it's a naked bike, I think that's pretty decent millage. The trick is to lean against the wind and let it take some weight off your arms and back instead of fighting against it.

My brother has an FZ6 ans we switched at some point, he couldn't stand the FZ8 on the highway, and I couldn't stand the FZ6 as the windscreen concentrated the wind right on my head..so I guess it all depends on how tall you are, but at 6'1" I usually prefer naked biked over bikes with fearings...
Quick and simple question -
what is the longest distance/trip you did on your 8 ? :)

One Day?
Total Trip?
FZ8 N or S ?

How was it ? (seat, wind, ergos, economy... everything! :) )

winter caught me right after I bought the bike... I am considering some longer hauls this year on my 8N - therefore I ask :)

The longest trip I have been on with my FZ8 (No ABS no Fairing)? Las Vegas 1 day round trip 302 miles

Seat? Meh okay after the long day/round trip (first ever long(er) trip on a road bike of any kind.
Wind, not bad at all even with speeds reaching 145/mph. I am 6'00" 195lbs not the biggest guy on a bike mostly average i'd say, but I dont feel like I get pushed around by the wind or buffeted by the diesel tractor trailers either.
ergos, I was sort of uncomfortable on the way back because I forgot to put my hearing protection back in before I put my helmet on...I had to pull over and remedy to continue.
economy...averaged between 42/45 mpg for the total trip.

The trip was a fun trip and I drove down there to pick up my Keyport!

My longest ride was from southern Minnesota to California about 3800 miles! It took me 3 days to get there and 3 days to come back. If I did it again I would get a better windscreen, a throttle lock, better seat, and bar risers.
This was my setup
0!! Mine is still in the crate behind the dealership with my name on it.

But I thought I would chime in seeing as I have a 6 and the keys to a 1 (my dads).

The FZ6 (faired) = Longest day was 800km. Total trip was 2200km in three days. Lovely trip. Seat sucked but everything else was awesome. Even saw 375km to one tank while drafting a semi. Twisties rocked and the highway wasn't bad. Needed more torque, which is why I have my own 8 coming.

The FZ1 (faired) = 1200km one day. Longest trip was 1800km in 2 days. Bike was perfect. Lovely protection and amazing ergonomics. I even loved the seat. Fairing is pretty good, though the fat tank on the 1 does begin to get tiresome.

Can NOT wait for my 8, and the snow to melt.

as a commercial operator. PLEASE do not ride in the NO zone around a rig.
if i have to do something you are toast.

Ok, I just did my forst longer trip on Fz8N (aka. "the fly" as my colegues from cruiser club called it). 500+ miles in 2 days, so nothing amazing, but still.

1. Ergos - great! No back, knee or hands ake! After 250 miles I still had lust for fooling on mountain roads!
2. Seat - I thought I would be worse. 15 min. stop every 100 miles and it is no longer a problem.
3. Luggage - backpack :/ Need somethin else.
4. Engine - a bit buzzy, lacking a gear or two :) - but enouh power, responsive, and with pretty good fuel consumption - over 50 mpg!
5. Wind protection - non existing. Over 110 km/h it is becoming a nightmare. Need to invest in something. Or should have bought faired version. With ABS :)

Overall - pretty damn good bike this is.
So yesterday I decide I want to start looking in West Virginia for some land. I get out a map and look up a city in West Va, Romney. So I put that in the GPS and head out. After 8 hours, this is def my longest trip. Just over 8 hours, something like 323 miles, and I filled up 3 times.

Hope this link works, this is the road I took!!!!

Ok, I just did my forst longer trip on Fz8N (aka. "the fly" as my colegues from cruiser club called it). 500+ miles in 2 days, so nothing amazing, but still.

1. Ergos - great! No back, knee or hands ake! After 250 miles I still had lust for fooling on mountain roads!
2. Seat - I thought I would be worse. 15 min. stop every 100 miles and it is no longer a problem.
3. Luggage - backpack :/ Need somethin else.
4. Engine - a bit buzzy, lacking a gear or two :) - but enouh power, responsive, and with pretty good fuel consumption - over 50 mpg!
5. Wind protection - non existing. Over 110 km/h it is becoming a nightmare. Need to invest in something. Or should have bought faired version. With ABS :)

Overall - pretty damn good bike this is.

So where did you go than? ?
Yesterday I went about 320 miles with a group of 7 others. This ride was the first extremely spirted ride/130+ mph stretches/100mph corners I have done on this bike. Total of 27 people but we split into 3 groups (fast, intermediate, and slower/legal). First, after that long of a ride, I say the seat absolutely sucks. Or it sucked for me at least yesterday when slidding back and forth to be in position really rubbed the inside of by butt/legs. Second, I can normally keep up with these guys (lots of track junkies and knee dragging type riders). However, I could not even come close to keeping up yesterday with most of the riders (think there were only 2 behind me but when I had my gixxer 600 there was usually only a couple ahead). Actually kind of pissed me off with this bike. I think a big part of it was the stock tires as I am waiting on my Q2s to arrive, but there was just no feedback through the bike at all when leaned all the way over and really pushing it hard. Almost wanted to go to Triumph this morning and trade it for a 675R. However, after cooling off with my blown ego and riding skills I remembered that I didnt buy this bike for the once ever 3 months top 1% all out riding. I got it for the other 99% fun and fast enough riding I do. However, I for sure think that another bike might be in my near future if I can talk the wife into it (although this bike already cost me a 2 week vacation to Honduras this summer for her haha). So, sorry for the thread jack. At 320 spirited miles the seat and bike is lacking major but for normal riding and a couple hundred miles the bike is awesome, and I think new tires and a better seat would make it awesome all the time.
Seat def sucks! I dont think I was pushing it as hard as you guys, but the BT016's i switched to are much better than the stock. I have much more confidence in the corners and can feel the road better, if that makes any sense. Anyways I do suggest changing out the tires, and doing something for the seat. I want the Corbin I think, but looking into a few other options. And once I restrapped my pack closer to the drivers seat, so I had a back rest, it was an amazing difference!
