occasionally hard to start


New member
Bike has around 1200 miles now..
from time to time, she'll turn over but not start... kinda like the timing is off.she'll fire, but not actually start. After 4 or 5 attempts she's running, but this doesn't seem right to me. Anyone else experience a similar issue?


New member
Mine starts very easily for now, but I have noticed within the last week that once my bike starts, about 5 seconds later, the engine starts to lope for about 5 seconds, like it has a big cam. It's real strange, and I have no explanation for it. Maybe the ecm/ignition has some sort of glitch that could be causing both of our issues?

How many miles do you have? I have about 800 miles and just switched over to T6 oil last week at about 550 miles. I don't recall my bike doing this until after I passed 600 miles and did the oil change.


There's a thread in there somewhere about this hard start around that mileage too. The confirmed fix was to always pull the clutch when starting. I'm a bit too lazy to search for the thread but it's there.


New member
I have had many bikes, and they ALL have done this, One day start first try and next day takes 4 or 5 tries. There's many factors you have to take in when starting. If it was hot or cold last time you rode. I rode last week here and it was almost 100deg, when I tried to start yesterday it took about 4 tries to start. Its when it doesn't start at all when there's a problem.


Mine does it all the time, it has gotten a little better now that I have hooked the auto tune up, but it still does it. Im not too worried about it, it never takes too long to start. Usually when it does it, I just cycle the key, let it sit for a second and hold the start button until it starts, a few seconds longer than normal. Consider it normal, my buddies 07 R6 has done it for a few years now, just the way of the beast. Dont let it bother you too much, hold the start button for an extra second or two, it'll start.



Avid Rider
The loping or rough idle is normal. The bike is choked to warm up. It will smooth out at a water temp of 120. Give the clutch thing a try.


New member
mine did it also, but then i spoke to a guy at the dealership who advised me to charge the battery completely. he said they don't. give a try.


New member
In my 24 years of riding Im used to carburated bikes doing it, but this is the first time I've experienced this with a fuel injected bike. Does it with motor hot, cold ... air temp 70 or 100... did it before first oil change... its totally random. But it is when im off the bike and just starting it to get oil flowing while I put my helmet and gloves on. I'll try the clutch lever and see


Avid Rider
Yeah definitely keep us posted. Sounds like you might want to run it by the shop as well just for chat with the head mech.
By the way, I love the user name. I’m hoping to hit the gap area twice this summer.


You just need to hold the starter button in a touch longer than you would think was normal and it'll fire up first go every time.
Works for me any ways


dlsgap mine does the same thing but it still starts quicker than my monster did so i dont worry about it. like camo says just hold the button a fraction longer.


New member
You just need to hold the starter button in a touch longer than you would think was normal and it'll fire up first go every time.
Works for me any ways

I had to start doing this too. Starter doesn't grind like it would in a car if you turned the key too long. Just hold the start button in a second longer and you'll be good.


No probs here. Over 4000 miles, fires first time every time, in any weather, any temperature.