New Member in AZ


New member
Hey everybody. Pulled the trigger Thursday night on a new 2012 at my local dealer after a couple days of haggling.

Just hit a 100 miles and am having a great time. Look forward to spending some time on here and getting some advice. I'm a total noob as this is my first bike.
Do you have off road experience?

No. I understand where you're going though-and you have a good point. I will, however, be careful for a long while...I've had enough close calls professionally that I'm not about to hop on and do something crazy.
AZ rider

Congrats on the purchase. I also live in AZ and I suggest being cautious on the highways especially if you live in the Phoenix area. I occasionally commute to work on my bike and I've found if you ride the carpool lane, be aware of impatient drivers stuck in traffic that illegally enter the car pool lane. Ride safe Bro!