Wiring Question (Plate Light)


New member
Plate light went out on my Fz8 this morning, LEDS are dead. Cut them off to just wire up a new set now my integrated brake lights went out. Please forums help me, im lost and im scared. Googled around and couldnt find anything helpful. Even if I can get get my brake lights working thatd be wonderful. So the lines cut were blue and black leading to a plug that lead to large grey and black leads.


New member
you blew a fuse. Those 2 wires you cut if they had power when you cut them or touched them they shorted and blew the fuse.

the plate light uses the same power/circuit as the running light on your tail light. check fuses!



New member
you blew a fuse. Those 2 wires you cut if they had power when you cut them or touched them they shorted and blew the fuse.

the plate light uses the same power/circuit as the running light on your tail light. check fuses!


Sorry for the late reply, this is exactly what I did. Realized when I woke up this morning to check the fuses and boom 10 amp fuse gone. Thanks for the response though.
