Who else has no riding season?


New member
if I had a dual sport, I would ride all year. Even riding through 5+ inches of snow, which would probably be fun seeing I did it somewhat on dirt bikes lol

Only problem for me is the temperature, I cannot ride under 30F temperature, its just too cold for me :D

Drivers here sucks during normal days, they suck even more during winter storms....


As long as it's dry out and there's no potential for black ice, I'm out on two wheels. Ever since I bought the right winter gear, the cold has been more tolerable. Only couple more months till spring. My gawwddd I cannot wait!


Weekend Rider
40+ dry or 50+ wet and I ride. Might be willing to drop lower if I got heated gloves.

Even in Austin, I'm not the most extreme of riders. Plenty of Harley riders out here who think that any temperature in the dry is OK. Of course, none of them have more than a 10 minute commute... or any gear.



New member
I was riding down to about the 40 degree mark, but with this crazy winter the wind chills have been in the teens at most. Way too much risk for ice imo. I did order some heated grips though, so I expect to be riding earlier than usual this spring.

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New member
i have been riding all season for the past 3 winters here in NYC but the past 3 weeks has been too cold and too much ice to ride. maybe in a couple of days i will be able to get some seat time in. i will ride if it is 30 and up when it is dry. heated gear of course...


New member
I'm in WV and over the past couple of weeks it has been single degree temps and as low as negative 30-35 with wind chill...it sucks I can't wait till a good 40-50 degree day to get my bike out.I don't like to ride with salt on the roads so I usually wait mainly because I don't want it on my bike.

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New member
In Quebec, we can't legally ride from december 15th to march 15th.But because of the weather, last ride is usually at the end of october...

Can't wait to get it backQ I don't have any place to store it so I rent a space in a local dealer near my appartment...

I'm jealous of you guys riding all year long


New member
my 8 has been up on a rear stand and covered in my basement since end of november and won't be out again till march or april. it's not as much the cold as i don't want to shit up the bike with all the salt/cinders that are put down around here in PA. i did have my honda out a few times last year in january when it was warm enough and roads were kinda clear but doesn't look like that will happen this year


This past weekend the temp made it to 60 on Sunday. So I got it out of the garage and took a short ride to a park and then back home. The trip only lasted 45 minutes but it was wonderful. It was good to get a ride fix. We in the central states have been sufferring with the cold temps but not much snow, so far. The weather forcasters say that is going to change in February, they are predicting more than normal snow fall.
I enjoyed that video, like the studded tires. I could ride a super moto if I had a set of those. I feel for our friends in the upper mid west as they have suffered an extreme winter. Stay warm and ride safe!


New member
I thought I was ready for the cold with my touring jacket and snowmobile gloves this year, but when the rain froze up on the road and the salt went down I thought I'll either fall down or rust the bike up, so f*ck it.


New member
Southern California here, it's riding season all year long, use the bike everyday. Feel for you guys back east and north!


New member
I lived in Hawaii for 2 years so when I can't ride, it drives me nuts. Between work stuff and personal stuff. I haven't rode since i posted :( . If i can find my GoPro stuff, I would make a video about winter riding and thing to be watch out for.


New member
whats this snow and minus temps you all speak of , here I was thinking the only thing that stops u riding is kangaroos on the road.