Trading in R6 for FZ8... 2012 or 2013?


New member
Hey all,

Decided I'm going to trade in my 2007 R6 for an FZ8. I love the looks of both bikes but the FZ8 seems more economical for me as of now. (i.e. getting older, out of the biker boy phase, yearning for longer trips and more functionality out of my bike) Around my area the new '13s are going for around $8,500. I have scoped out some '12s in the sub $8k range, though.

So my questions is: Are the differences between '12 and '13 substantial? To be honest, I'm not fond of the blue on the new models. I really would like it in white, but they seem hard to find. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
If I had the choice, knowing what I know now...I'd go for the 2013. Only because of the black forks and the adjustable suspension. I think the engine has been tuned to be more responsive but don't quote me on that.
Well here she sits, I love it deff wanna add a little black back but I still look out my window and smile, plus I often catch some neck breakers and jumping children

i am in the same situation but with no trade. I like the idea of the 12 being almost a grand cheaper,could use that for alot of mods!
wow, I just got a 13, for the adjustable suspension.
but I like that bike
nice relocation of the license plate.
Well here she sits, I love it deff wanna add a little black back but I still look out my window and smile, plus I often catch some neck breakers and jumping children

looks sweet . the plastic dip doesnt mess with the factory paint underneath? or am i thinking of a different product
I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind giving me a quick review of what you feel are the differences between the Fz8 and the 6. both in riding position, power, touring everything.

I've only ever ridden upright naked bikes so Id love to hear your opinion!!
the 2013 addresses some of The issues with the suspension and a few other tiny improvements. it would probably be worth buying the 2012 And investing the savings into an ohlins setup.

plastidip is pretty durable. I've seen it hold up on rims and bumpers for 1000s of miles