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Reflective Decales


New member
So a close call a few months back (at night) where a driver claimed he couldn't see me caused me to search out ways to be seen from all directions.

I'm posting the following with the vendor's approval and because I believe in the product he's selling.

My Bike with his product:

Custom work he has just finished for me (yeah, I know I'm a geek, but I don't care :D ).


The vendor himself:



He sells via Amazon and Ebay.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=customtaylor]Amazon.com: customtaylor[/ame]

He's also available for Direct Email via: [email protected]

With any luck just one area that reflects light will help keep people alive at night... There are Far Too Many Oblivious Cagers out there...
They look sweet! I've emailed the guy a couple of times and he's been great at answering questions and getting back quickly. I'm going to get a set of yellow from him as well and hope it matches the forks close enough.
They look sweet! I've emailed the guy a couple of times and he's been great at answering questions and getting back quickly. I'm going to get a set of yellow from him as well and hope it matches the forks close enough.

When you do please post up pics or at least let us know if they match decent because if they do I'm gonna jump on a set too!