Rear brake clunk?


New member
I've noticed from day one that particularly when I'm heavier on the rear brake I get a clunk that I hear and feel from the rear of the bike. It's almost as if maybe the pads are rocking in the callipers and when I apply rear brake I get the clunk sound. Doesn't happen (sometimes just less noticeable) if I'm feathering the brake No adverse performance, just annoying sound. Anyone else?
If your tech savy I would take your pads out and check and make sure there not separating, I had a customer come in complaining about the same problem, took it apart and told them there pads were DEFECTIVE, but they didnt wanna pay the 400$ for the parts to fix the Mercedes they absolutely had to have an a week later the car came back on a tow truck because there brakes failed, the pads came off the backing plate and they basically just drove around till what was left of the rotor exploded, if your not tech savy or don't trust yourself and your warranty is still active have the stealer ship take a look
Eek gads! Yeah I'm mechano. I'll check. So.. You mean the pad material separated from the metal brake pad baseplate?
check axle nut m24 make sure its at 108ftlb and tire isnt sliding away from tensioner bolts. rear pedal endplay should be 4.1-11.1mm. also take the pads out and check them they may be sticking or broken.
I get this too, I'll get a clunk when using the rear brake sometimes. No performance problems thus far though.

I read a random post on strom troopers I think that mentioned the cause may be from the rear caliper not sitting in the rail correctly, but I'm not sure if that's bike specific, I've taken rear wheels off several times (although not on my FZ8 yet) and I don't see how it would go back together right if it was off like that.

I have yet to peek in there myself. Better find a 32mm socket I guess.
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I've seen it, but I doubt I have enough muscle to loosen the nut with that or torque it back on properly lol
I'm 90% sure it's chain slap. Put the bike up on stands in first gear and when I hit the brake suddenly I get the sound and its def coming from the proximity of the primary output gear. Perhaps it could be the kick stand slapping too.
Well I feel like the turd in the room. My chain was out of spec by a fair enough margin. I'm going to know for sure tomorrow (had a few beers to assist the job so no ridies tonight) I'll post back.
i have locked the rear before while riding across bumps and got that kind of sound. not sure if that is the same thing you are talking about though.
that makes sense. i'm sure when i heard it it was the same thing except it took bumps to make my chain slap. I check my chain tension at least once every two weeks.
....I need to check my slack period, I'm soooooooo horrible with chain maintenance it's not even funny, an its a horrible thig to slack on I know