Power Commander V Install Help


Obviously, my hands are bigger than most Japanese. Currently trying to unplug the 4 pin black connector for the O2 sensor, so that I may plug-in the PC O2 optimizer.

I have read the How To on the PC V install, and this question was not covered.

For you experienced Power Commander V installers - how in the name of Sam Hill did you unclip the black connector?


Now your testing my memory.....It was a pain to disconnect. Look at the o2 optimiser connectors so you know which tang needs to be depressed. Use a good head lamp or workshop light to illuminate the area really well. There is a little resistance when you disconnect the plug as it is a waterproof connector. I just used my fingers but if you have sausage fingers, then try and get help from someone else.


Finally got the O2 sensor unplugged, now the 16 pin grey connector is the issue. Oh my God, what a pain. I can see and manipulate the clip, but no amount of pulling will budge it.

I use the word "pulling" lightly, as there is almost no room to grip the bugger to begin with.