Ok to top it all off I was broken into a robbed! :(


(Sorry the title was suppose to be ...and robbed)

So, after the bike getting knocked over at the start if sept, then the tree stuffing up my fence the other week, I came home this afternoon to find some little c*%ts broke I into my house, totally trashed the place and stole a few things. The stole my f'ing iPad! Now I have to change the damn locks and I can't touch too much until the forensic guys come on Monday. Oh they also stole my Alpinestar boots that I have only worn three f'ing times. The police were shocked with how much crap they did.
That sucks! Sorry to hear that. I hope they are caught and your stuff is returned. Keep an eye on craigslist, ebay, and other avenues for them to sell the stuff.
Dude, that sucks! Feeling like you've just had your home rapped is probably the worst.
On the other hand, they stole only an iPad and your boots? Not that it's not a big deal, don't get me wrong, but couldn't they have stolen a whole bunch more? (just trying to find a silver lining...)
That's been happening a lot in my neighborhood. Semi high end neighborhood full of liberals. We're easy targets. LOL.

Enough that the other day I put a couple of bullets in the clip, just in case :)
Thats shit house mate! Like camo said though, thats 3 now. So Go buy a lotto ticket!
Thanks everyone. I've calmed down a bit now. The feeling of violation and that someone has been all thru all your stuff sucks. The police said change the locks in case they did nab a key and comeback for the bigger stuff. I just wished they had stepped on a brown snake on their way out!
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That sucks mate. I have 2 words of advice for you.. German Shepherd.
I dont lock my doors!
Damn dude, you've had a horrible streak of bad luck. Hopefully they catch the people doing it and they can recover some of your stuff.
Thanks everyone. I've calmed down a bit now. The feeling of violation and that someone has been all thru all your stuff sucks. The police said change the locks in case they did nab a key and comeback for the bigger stuff. I just wished they had stepped on a brown snake on their out!

This ought to cheer you up
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzrEjkfr2xY]Faire la bombe dans une piscine gelée - YouTube[/ame]