My dog's new ride to the dog park


New member
lmao this is awesome, I have a small lap dog so she goes on my back in a back- pack kennel. Must show this picture to my friend with a samoyed.


New member
When a dog looks sad to you (has his head down, not making eye contact, etc) - he's actually content and happy.

That's not true, head down is a bad sign for a dogs happiness and confidence. They should not always be avoiding all eye contact, I'm sure some may say staring you down with an aggressive stance is a warning.

Just like tail wagging is not always a sign a dog is happy or friendly. A low wag/ dropped back ears usually means a friendly not aggressive dog. A straight up wagging tail and ears forward usually means the dog is in an aggressive state. A sad dog is a lot more recognizable than a friendly happy one to most people.

Please make sure those tie downs don't fail.
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New member
I didn't know this was a thing...but, something tells me a 30 lb dog is a bit much for that lol. Might have been fun though.

Yes there's a dog in there

Can you spot her?