Lower Engine 'Cowls' ; Remove Brackets


New member
I'm wanting to get at the exhaust downpipes (fully and properly) for a good going over with Autosol.
I have the Yam' standard lower engine/exhaust cowls, the bolt on plastic cowls. The plastic cowls are removed easily, 30 second job.
However, in order to get at the downpipes fully, the bracket/frame that holds the cowl (s) in place seems to be bolted to the silver sump cover. "Question", if I remove securing bolts from the sump (to remove the frame) any risk of eventual leakeage ???
It's all just a bit too tight and knuckle shaving to have a good cleaning with that bracket in place.
Anybody had experience ?


there wont be any leaks, i recommend that you put these bolt after you remove the bracket

i installed myself recently these cowls bracket