just picked up my bike


New member
just picked up my bike. and all i can say is WOW. this things amazing! its so light and has so much power. but it also has the power to go slow very nicely. this thing just blows my buell out of the water. this thing handles so nice you can just throw it around. i only put on 50 miles, and i didnt want to stop!

on thing i did notice is around the kickstand hinge area there look like oil build up or something. is that just from the chain or should i get some one to look at it.

Corey :america:
its used 5000 miles. ill have to clean it off tomorrow and see if it comes back maybe its a spill when they did the oil change. or something
Show us a pic of what the build up looks like before you clean it off?

will do. ill snap a shot in the morning and post it up later. im pretty sure its oil. but it just isnt in a spot that i think oil could even get to. thats why i assumed it was from the chain. and this is the first chain driven bike ive owned. i hope its nothing, cant wait till Friday when i can ride it again... its gonna rain tomorrow.
will do. ill snap a shot in the morning and post it up later. im pretty sure its oil. but it just isnt in a spot that i think oil could even get to. thats why i assumed it was from the chain. and this is the first chain driven bike ive owned. i hope its nothing, cant wait till Friday when i can ride it again... its gonna rain tomorrow.

So ride in the rain? :D
Congrats. I ride in all weather. Get a good rain suit. Makes cleaning the bike a pisser though!
its so new to me i dont want to get it wet! lol i also dont have any rain gear yet. im not quite that hard core yet lol.

i dont think its lube from the stand its up higher on the engine it self. ummm the best way to explain it is its up under the front sprocket. just below the cover.
Congratulations! Don't let the rain hold you back, it's just water...Higher gear, less ham fistedness and you're apples ;)
Rain helps you learn to be smoother :)
That spot you are talking about if it is right near the sprocket is the previous owner using too much lube and it getting built up in the sprocket housing. Take it off one day and be shocked at how dirty it is under there.
Congrats on the new ride, now get some rain gear. It was raining and 38 when I left the house this morning. :D