Got me a new Shoei ^_^


New member
new lid... FINALLY! anyone else have any new headgear? please do share

my new helmet is a Shoei GT Air in matte black and holy shit it's extremely quiet. I would highly recommend people get this helmet for the FZ8. I was told by a salesperson that it was designed for upright bikes like ours because of the integrated Spoiler on the helmet that keeps your head stable with a lot of head wind. I did about a 105 with it and it was very stable and very quiet. I know at that speed with my old helmet (scorpionEXO 400) my head would shake quite a bit And it was very loud. like trainwreck loud... so I can go ahead and say that the salesman was spot on. oh yeah also it has an integrated visor that works well because it doesn't distort your vision any and covers most of your face. so no need to buy a tinted for it. and once again like I said like a broken record lol I would highly recommend this helmet for FZ8 riders. and share your pictures of helmets too 'gents!
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Thanks for the review. First time seeing that and I think I just found my new bucket. That style is exactly what I want.
you can't really see it in the picture but it has these really cool indentions that create the spoiler that is integrated into the helmet it is very cool looking. also what you can't see is the little tiny honeycomb pattern is like a chameleon type matte paint that changes color in the Sun. it's very subtle and goes well with the black.
here's a picture of the small honeycomb pattern with the chameleon paint and the racing stripe with a red pin line. oh and the indentions that I mentioned.
new lid... FINALLY! anyone else have any new headgear? please do share

my new helmet is a Shoei GT Air in matte black and holy shit it's extremely quiet. I would highly recommend people get this helmet for the FZ8. I was told by a salesperson that it was designed for upright bikes like ours because of the integrated Spoiler on the helmet that keeps your head stable with a lot of head wind. I did about a 105 with it and it was very stable and very quiet. I know what the speed with my old helmet (scorpionEXO) my head would shake quite a bit And it was very loud. like trainwreck loud... so I can go ahead and say that the salesman was spot on. oh yeah also it has an integrated visor that works well because it doesn't distort your vision any and covers most of your face. so no need to buy a tinted for it. and once again like I said like a broken record lol I would highly recommend this helmet for FZ8 riders. and share your pictures of helmets too 'gents!

freaking love this helmet! Definitely my next when it comes down a bit! :)
having the rf1000 for 3+ years now, I will be sticking with them in the next year or so when I'm due for a new one.... thanks for the heads up
I wish the Shoeis fit me - the GTAir has all the features I want. Alas, my head is significantly deeper than it is wide, causing all the Shoeis to be too short and far too wide - they give me a headache whilst rocking side to side. Not good.

My XL Arai Signet-Q came in this weekend, and it seems to fit my alien-shaped head a bit better (though I'm considering stepping up to a 2XL). I'll post a full review to the "Helmet Reviews: Post your "LID" and how you like it." in the Safety Equipment forum once I've got some quality face time with it.

Sizing wise, the Shoei shape is great for most riders. The "Intermediate Oval" found in all Arais (except the Signet-Q) is just slightly longer. Significantly longer is the Arai Signet-Q.
I've got a 5 year old old RF1000 that I love (gonna paint it). It's stinks to high heaven from the mid-south summers but I'm gonna wait til spring to replace it. This might be what I replace it with. If you don't mind... what did you pay and from where ?
I've got a 5 year old old RF1000 that I love (gonna paint it). It's stinks to high heaven from the mid-south summers but I'm gonna wait til spring to replace it. This might be what I replace it with. If you don't mind... what did you pay and from where ?

I payed $545.00 (they had it priced at $799.99 to get suckers that dont look at prices online lol) including tax from the Yamaha dealer in Boerne Texas where I live. the guys at the dealership give me pretty good prices since I got my 8 from them.
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I got the GT air in the greyish color, Antracite metallic.
I had been running a RF1000 for the last 6 years and looked at the RF1100

then saw the GT AIR, I bought it for the flip down inner sun screen and it said it moves twice the air of the RF1100

living in the desert the air movement is a big draw, and the thing is really quiet

love the lid, I find it was a great choice, in metallic it cost me 501 out the door
I wish the Shoeis fit me - the GTAir has all the features I want. Alas, my head is significantly deeper than it is wide, causing all the Shoeis to be too short and far too wide - they give me a headache whilst rocking side to side. Not good.

My XL Arai Signet-Q came in this weekend, and it seems to fit my alien-shaped head a bit better (though I'm considering stepping up to a 2XL). I'll post a full review to the "Helmet Reviews: Post your "LID" and how you like it." in the Safety Equipment forum once I've got some quality face time with it.

Sizing wise, the Shoei shape is great for most riders. The "Intermediate Oval" found in all Arais (except the Signet-Q) is just slightly longer. Significantly longer is the Arai Signet-Q.

Strange, the only helmet out of the 20 or so I tried on that fit comfortably was an XL Shoei RF 1100. Love that helmet. And I have a pretty big dome piece.