Forza motorsports 4?

master paper clip

New member
Anyone on here play, to me it's a great time killer and a wonderful way to clear my mind when I can't get out on the bike, plus its fun as hell. Well if anyone on here does enjoy the greatness of forza I'm always down to run some laps


New member
Please sign my fictitious petition to get Tourist Trophy made and ported to the Xbox 360, or get Turn 10 to make the same game with motorcycles.

master paper clip

New member
I wish someone would make a game like forza for motorcycles, I tried te motor gp game but that was complicated, u had to use like 5 different button and stick combos just to take a simple left Hand sweeper, they made that game overly complicated on the controlls


New member
Tourist Trophy for PS2 was good. I think a Forza Horizon for bikes would be a good fit. Sometimes all you want to do is wheelies.