Don't do this...


New member
I would have probably killed that guy driving the car no matter how bad I was hurt. Gotta love though that the car driver checks his car first then calmly walks over to the guy.


Avid Rider
this guy is mentally retarded or bi-polar. just look at him. and also the fact that he didn't destroy the incriminating dash cam vid and that it made it all the way to youtube....supports this notion.

Yeah...I wouldn't lose any sleep making this handicapped dude a little more handicapped.


New member
Meh, looks like the motorcycle rider was being a douche. Cutting people off and then brake checking. I don't ride reckless like that and I don't brake check when i ride either because i know i will not win. Even if I win in court, my body will definitely take a loss.

Now i don't think hitting the bike for revenge is a proper move either but we don't know. The car driver might not have fast enough reaction. The bike did suddenly brake. Surely if you are going to brake check a car, at least look behind or your rear mirror to see their reaction. If they looked pissed then you better high tail your ass out of there.


New member
Yea, I can't believe that POS checks his car first and then just walks towards the rider..unreal man.


Weekend Rider
I saw this video earlier, and I think I can shed some light on this.

I think this was filmed in Germany on the autobahn.

Rules there are that you stay right and pass left. You are NOT allowed to pass on the right in Germany, even if you have your own lane. This has the effect of the person in the left lane setting a defacto speed limit (and many people do this deliberately as a protest to speed-unlimited zones)

The driver of the car was moving faster than the right lane (by quite a clip) but wasn't active enough for the biker's taste in moving over. So, the biker decided to teach a lesson by brake checking. Repeatedly.

High level of douchiness. Blocking traffic either by failure to check his mirrors, failure to care, or in an active attempt to exert his will on the world.​

Douchegasm. Hypocrisy overload... you won't let me go fast so I'll make you go slow? Then after getting his point across, he repeats the brake check?​

Oy vey. Please, everyone... don't be either of these guys. Some does something stupid/douchey in traffic? Give em some space - they'll eventually try to break the laws of physics. If you're lucky, you'll get to watch them fail.

9 Lives

New member
l was posted to Germany for 4 years and loved driving over there. They are much more disciplined and attentive drivers. When they pass they pass ie to the floor until your past the car then back in the slow lane, they don't lollygag in the fast lane and they get over when someone is behind them. In the 4 years I was there, the only cars I would see lollygagging in the fast lane were rentals driven by vacationers.


Weekend Rider
Alas, the driving mentality in Germany is changing. It's turning from an automotive utopia to a haves-versus-have-nots class war.

Driving there is very expensive - cars, training, fuel, taxes... all turn it into an experience for the rich. Those that can afford cars usually snag the cheapest slowest they can just to be able to transport themselves.

So, a LOT of people look at the high-end cars zooming by at 240ph (130 kph is the defacto national limit - above that in a derestricted zone it starts affecting proportional fault... a great system) as being rich flaunting and insulting poor.

Hence, there are regular movements to abolish derestricted zones. There are also a great many vigilantes trying to force others to slow down.

For an interesting read on the topic, check out the Turbo Rolf story. In effect, poor single mom (Kia) got startled by a Mercedes that suddenly showed up behind her while she was lollygagging in the fast lane. She panicked, swerved, tumbled, and killed her own child. The court of public opinion convicted Rolf.

I seriously hope the Germans keep their derestricted speed zones - it helps them push their designs better than many other national manufacturers. They're "driving" the industry.


Maybe my eyes are not the best but I don't see much evidence of a brake light.

I don't understand why the rider didn't get out of the way of the car. He obviously knew that the driver was being an idiot to why hang out right in front of him like that? I see a lot of these videos and often think that a little common sense could avoid a lot of pain.


Maybe my eyes are not the best but I don't see much evidence of a brake light.

I don't understand why the rider didn't get out of the way of the car. He obviously knew that the driver was being an idiot to why hang out right in front of him like that? I see a lot of these videos and often think that a little common sense could avoid a lot of pain.

He definitely mashed the brakes. Look at the front of the bike dive and the rear end rise up. He hits his front brake pretty hard.

Both were idiots. You will never win against a car. We dont know the back story between this rage, but being on the losing end from the start (on a bike), cool your britches and step back. You ain't going to win cupcake! ;)


New member
After viewing the video above, Youtube recommended this video below. Check out the 1:03 minute mark.
[ame=""]Motorcycle Crash Compilation Motorcycle Crashes Motorcycle Accidents 2013 - YouTube[/ame]


New member
After viewing the video above, Youtube recommended this video below. Check out the 1:03 minute mark.
Motorcycle Crash Compilation Motorcycle Crashes Motorcycle Accidents 2013 - YouTube

Seeing that video, it reminds me of what every Motorcycle safety instructor will always tell you. You are responsible for your own safety.

Many of those accidents are avoidable, some were faults of the motorcyclist. Never speed into a blind spot, or on the left side of the road.

My friend's uncle passed away on tues from hitting a guy on the highway with his motorcycle. It started when the driver hit the middle barrier and fled the car for some reason, probably no insurance. This highway has no lights, its two lane each direction, as the guy was crossing the road, my friend's uncle was going 70-80mph and crashed into him without even seeing him. Driver died on impact, while the uncle flew off his bike to the other lane where he died

Stay safe out there guys!!!
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