Bike too hot to ride

i've never had an issue myself but being that i'm 6'2" i find most of the time my legs are "loose" around the tank and that i rarely "squeeze" my legs against the tank. and i will say on those times where i "squeezed" the tank my legs felt warmer and didn't get the same breeze they would get being "loose"

maybe that would be something to try and see if it changes things
Last year was the first year I had the bike. At the time of the high temps it had about 3500 miles on it. I run about 20 miles on the highway and then 5 miles on city streets. The frame rails directly above the engine were very hot and the bottom of the tank in that area was almost as hot. Yes, keeping the legs spread to not touch the bike made it better. I think it is just a case of air flow management around the engine. The radiator gets the air it needs to cool the engine and there is no duct work to route the hot air out away from the rider. Manufacturers have gone to great lenghts in recent years to avoid this problem. I never remember my VF500 getting hot like this. Next year I will take my infrared gun and measure the temps if I experience this again and post the readings. The average person can tolerate about 140 degrees, I am sure the metal parts were higher than that. But as soon as the air temps dropped back into the 80's the problem disappeared. I would say that it was about 2 weeks that I put up with the heat.
easy fix. go to a welding shop & buy a welders blanket. its a carbon fiber composite that welders use to protect against slag and spatter. i removed my seat & placed it between the frame rails. these blankets come in different sizes. mine is 12 by 12 inches. problem solved
easy fix. go to a welding shop & buy a welders blanket. its a carbon fiber composite that welders use to protect against slag and spatter. i removed my seat & placed it between the frame rails. these blankets come in different sizes. mine is 12 by 12 inches. problem solved

don't they sell this in a box at the supermarket ?
Could be something silly like an air bubble in the coolant system. My bike has seen 226* on the guage (Ca to AZ in the summer) felt the heat coming from thru the seat. I was and Jeans and it was bearable.
I have felt heat coming off of the seat if it's extremely hot out and I'm setting in traffic but once I get moving it cools right back down.

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Never experienced the hot seat, but I have had a sore butt after 200 miles. The heat was always in the area of the knees to the thighs.
easy fix. go to a welding shop & buy a welders blanket. its a carbon fiber composite that welders use to protect against slag and spatter. i removed my seat & placed it between the frame rails. these blankets come in different sizes. mine is 12 by 12 inches. problem solved

Have been to the dealers and the dealer was happy to think of ways to help but his mechanics attitude was just "meh" so the next thing I'm planning on doing is what you said pigdog, with either the fiber composite or heat reflective film, there's enough room between the main frame and the seat to put either of these things in, heat can still escape via the ass end of the bike.
Now just need the time to put all of this to pay.
I've been riding in Canberra on 32 to 40 degree (Celsius) days the last few weeks, and the bike is in the 74 to 78 degree temp. range.
What's the engine temp. for your bike when you are finding it too hot to ride? (ok - I note from other posts your engine temp. Seems high compared to mine).
I only ride with full protective gear, and do not notice any heat from the engine.
The day I got my burns the temp was 101 degrees and on the freeway, fan kicked in as it normally does when it gets around 95 to 100, admittedly I wasn't wearing my leathers but had Kevlar pants on. I have ridden with leathers, normal pants and thin pants and neither help
Has anyone checked the actual temperature of the engine/coolant? Also, verify the water pump is circulating coolant. Even though the gauge says xyz, doesn't mean its accurate. It might be overheating itself from a bad casting or internal blockage, and you may have a serious problem that hasn't developed yet. As new as it is, you should be enjoying it,..... not pulling your hair out. Don't even touch it as this could void your warranty (if Yamaha wants to be a prick about it). If you feel the dealer didn't satisfy you or your concerns, get a hold a Yamaha customer service and file a claim. And as far as putting up with it by masking it, no reason (its too new).
If you can get your hands on another fz8, either from the dealer or another owner, and give it a spin to compare it. This might tell you whether it's a problem with the bike or maybe you just have a really low tolerance for the heat. I'm betting the former as my bike gets warm when in traffic, but never THAT hot, especially when moving on the highway.

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I have only once found my bike that hot

it was 115 that day in Palm Desert when we came off the mountain and it was insane going over to my buddy's house. Once there we sat around for 2 hours and when I got on the interstate it was 113 outside but the bike cooled off at speed.

DO not know what to think, seems ti can feel hot but only on hot days and around town
i rode my friends fz8 & another friends fz1 & they both had hot seats that cycled hot air. the outside air didn't seem to have an effect on this condition. its just the nature of the beast.. the thing is, with the welders blanket its much more manageable. bike runs great
How do you get off saying that when this bike has been around for YEARS and YOU are the only person to come up with this complaint? Come on aren't we being a little sensitive?

How do you know that there isn't something actually wrong with her bike? IMO, she came on here to ask for help and you're the one who comes off as an a$$ by being condescending and not saying anything productive at all.

EDIT: I actually found your original post amusing and her retort even more so. Then your comment above seemed like you're the one who got his panties twisted. I apologize if I read into any of that incorrectly.

Sent from my other favorite addiction (Galaxy S3) using Tapatalk.
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