bar weight plugs


New member
the weights and bolt do but the insert is really tight or glued not sure hoping someone has came up with a method


New member
Are you looking to keep them intact? If not you could drill it out carefully. To be honest I am not sure what they are held it with. If its some kind of glue, you could try holding a heat gun on it for a while and see if it pulls out.

Not sure what other options you have.


New member
i just installed them into some new OEM handlebars they are not just glued. if they even are glued. they are TIGHT. in fact i had to file them down to make them fit. getting them out would be next to impossible.


New member
you might try to heat the handle bar while holding pressure on the bar end with a pipe wrench. the teeth of the pipe wrench should be covered by wrapping a rag over the bar end. good luck.