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Well friends of the 2 wheel carriages. I have fixed my bike---my body is healed up almost completely...Road rash is all but a faded memory and I am back on the road! I took the 8 out today for a quick ride to the store to pick up something for the misses to make dinner. I was so anxious to go that I didn't look to much at the sky and got BLASTED by a huge monsoon style rain storm (see link to video). I don't think I could have been more overjoyed to be shot by rain bullets in my life. Awwwww freedom, but I did take shelter in a car wash for about 5 minutes



Avid Rider
awesome dude! glad to hear the recovery went well...for both you and the bike!

Did you let out epic laughter while being pelted with the rain? There are some moments when I'm on the road, and if the situation is just I find myself alone on the highway...or it's a beautiful day...or Highway to the Danger zone comes on my ipod...that I just get this surge of happiness and I don't know what to do so I just laugh maniacally. and when I say 'laugh maniacally'...I actually mean 'giggle like a school girl'


Avid Rider
I need to come to MD and take a ride with u Cambo, your one serious character man, it's easy to be stupid on the interwebs lol...I'm hiding behind a screen. In real life I'm pretty lame...and definitely slow on a bike (reference massive chicken strips). You know who's funny as hell though: Rabbitman. He's also a deceptively big dude. I get nervous around him like...ha ha..ha ha..laugh at his jokes...don't make him mad...compliment his retrofit work...look for escape...

lmfao, just kidding Chad if you see this

master paper clip

New member
I'm not a speed junkie, I'm much like u I I'm on my own my min wonder and I he distracted an just enjoy riding period, I only go fast and crazy into turns when the guys I'm with start pushing, other then that I'm just relaxed as hell on the bike.... Actuall more then I should be

Btw good to hear your back on the road mike


New member
awesome dude! glad to hear the recovery went well...for both you and the bike!

Did you let out epic laughter while being pelted with the rain? There are some moments when I'm on the road, and if the situation is just I find myself alone on the highway...or it's a beautiful day...or Highway to the Danger zone comes on my ipod...that I just get this surge of happiness and I don't know what to do so I just laugh maniacally. and when I say 'laugh maniacally'...I actually mean 'giggle like a school girl'

Yes it is like the ball and chain of the mundane have been released :). TO answer your question of epic laughter! Yes it was a LOL (for real) moment---I was laughing all the way home with those rain daggers pelting me. Honestly I felt a little bit like a masochist---because it hurt so good!

I'm not a speed junkie, I'm much like u I I'm on my own my min wonder and I he distracted an just enjoy riding period, I only go fast and crazy into turns when the guys I'm with start pushing, other then that I'm just relaxed as hell on the bike.... Actuall more then I should be

Btw good to hear your back on the road mike

Thanks WFD


New member
Glad to hear your back on 2 wheels. How did the alternator cover replacement go?

It was really not toooo bad, first time I have ever done this kind of repair. A little tricky---I had to use a few light taps from a rubber mallet. The magnetic motor made things tricky as it sucks back into the housing. the gears on the back of the housing pulled all the way out so I had to reassemble everything, but all in all it is very straight forward. HARDEST part was the sheared off t-30 star screws. I had to drill them then reverse them out, just an extra step :)

9 Lives

New member
Its a bit easier with 2 people, one to hold everything in place with a long screwdriver/rod through the plug hole and the other to take the cover on/off.


New member
Its a bit easier with 2 people, one to hold everything in place with a long screwdriver/rod through the plug hole and the other to take the cover on/off.

Yeah I could see how that would be easier. But all in all the service manual and your tips made it relatively easy. I felt confident going in head first to fix it. I am looking for frame sliders right now :)