Air Injection Pump


New member
I am getting ready to remove the AIP and install the graves smog plates. I know a few people on here have made this mod. successfully and I am looking for any tips or woes... Any feedback about the modification will be great.


New member
Once you get to the bits it's no sweat. You'll really want to drop the radiator and tilt it forward to get to the plates you'll be replacing. It's tempting to try it without moving the radiator, but trust me, it's way easier and faster if you just bite the bullet and tilt the radiator. I'm trying to remember if i had to pull the airbox bottom and I just don't recall. (I did a bunch of things at the same time while i had the bike that far apart and I don't remember if the air injection mod required taking out the air box or if I did that cuz I was doing something else) If you do, put rags into the bellmouths of the intake or it's guarandamnteed that you'll drop a bolt down one of them. That'll ruin your entire afternoon.

Other than that, plug up all the holes. While you're in there (the famous last words of motorcycle riders everywhere) might as well change out the air filter if you're planning to. And if you're going to cut the snout out of the airbox, it's a good time to do that too.


New member
Thanks for the tips, got it done this weekend. The Difference is huge, especially on the decel side! Feels like its smoother and decels faster. Sounds deeper too...


havn't decided on whether or not i want to do this or just wait until i get pcv and have it done when i take it to get dyno'd