About the "What do you think thread"


New member
Sorry guys, I wasn't trying to start a political debate or fights. Apparently the thread got deleted for being political. I just wanted to see other people's opinions because here you only hear what the news wants you to hear.
Don't worry about it. These topics just never go well. Politics is a huge divider with people and it brings out the worst in them.

The thread quickly went down with Hitler, loser, etc references. The owner just does not want this kind of stuff on the board.

People calling Obama Hitler, Bush Loser, etc. And the simple fact that the owner does not want politics here...


Has a list of topics not allowed. Now there is text saying politics are allowed in the Underground Politics section... But that does not exist. One could maybe take that as the Forum's VIP section for paid members? If one was to post a thread there I would be less likely to close it. Paid members in that section would get a bit more freedom. If it gets too out of hand with personal insults against other members though, I would have too. That is not allowed anywhere.

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People calling Obama Hitler, Bush Loser, etc. And the simple fact that the owner does not want politics here...

:rof: righto, what idiot thought Obama was hitler? The dude is quiet obviously the wrong colour and speaks the wrong language. One word for you, glasses. ;)

Ok fair enough mate. Guess an American gag order is in place to limit us to actually talking about our bikes instead of hanging shit on each other... The right to bare arms is in the constitution but talking about politics and religion is a no go zone lol
Yup I totally agree topics like guns (of which I own several) and politics unless they impact motorcycles don't belong here IMHO.
:rof: righto, what idiot thought Obama was hitler? The dude is quiet obviously the wrong colour and speaks the wrong language. One word for you, glasses. ;)

Ok fair enough mate. Guess an American gag order is in place to limit us to actually talking about our bikes instead of hanging shit on each other... The right to bare arms is in the constitution but talking about politics and religion is a no go zone lol

Owner's wishes bud. (Owner of all these FZ sites is Canadian btw) Like I said above, VIP section has more freedom. Fighting about the right to bear arms/gun control is not allowed either as it is politics and turns into the same shit slinging match.

Not trying to be a dick, but this forum is privately owned property. This is the same as being a guest in someones home. They have rules and they can ask you to abide by them.

You guys are all great and very friendly. I do want to say I appreciate how you all act here. Thank you all for that. It is rare that I have to close a thread. They have all been Gun control/political pretty much.

It is a very short list of topics that are not allowed. Lets not let that list get between the brother/sisterhood of this site.
Don't worry about it. These topics just never go well. Politics is a huge divider with people and it brings out the worst in them.

The thread quickly went down with Hitler, loser, etc references. The owner just does not want this kind of stuff on the board.


It's cool man, I understand.
Owner's wishes bud. (Owner of all these FZ sites is Canadian btw) Like I said above, VIP section has more freedom. Fighting about the right to bear arms/gun control is not allowed either as it is politics and turns into the same shit slinging match.

Not trying to be a dick, but this forum is privately owned property. This is the same as being a guest in someones home. They have rules and they can ask you to abide by them.

You guys are all great and very friendly. I do want to say I appreciate how you all act here. Thank you all for that. It is rare that I have to close a thread. They have all been Gun control/political pretty much.

It is a very short list of topics that are not allowed. Lets not let that list get between the brother/sisterhood of this site.

Well I missed it Damn! I kinda like the different off topics.
When it's cold and no riding It gets a little boring not being able to ride and share stories.
And Jay I'm sure your not a dick
Well I missed it Damn! I kinda like the different off topics.
When it's cold and no riding It gets a little boring not being able to ride and share stories.
And Jay I'm sure your not a dick

Hey, there are all sorts of other things we can talk about ;)
I don't see how talking about politics and gun control is different to talking about the FZ8 suspension ;)
I don't see how talking about politics and gun control is different to talking about the FZ8 suspension ;)

Oh here we go again lol. At least suspension has to do with our bikes, even though those arguments do get pretty heated.:D