MD/VA Meet up Ride, Saturday 7 Sept 0800-1030


Avid Rider
Hey Guys,

I've got a ride organized for this weekend. It started out as just a get together with a bud whom I haven't seen since college...and turned into a full on 2 hr ride between MD and VA (basically a loop around the potomac river). Would love to see some folks from here. I apologize for the ridiculously early meet up time, we've both got commitments later in the day and this is the only time we could both ride. Hope some can make it!

- Ride route attached.

- Description (taken right from my facebook event invite):

"Meet @ Starbucks Milestone Center, Germantown, Maryland
Kickstands Up: 0830

Route: Counterclock wise direction around DMV: Germantown --> Poolesville --> White's Ferry --> Leesburg (Rt 7)--> Great Falls Rd (VA side) --> 495 --> "Great Falls" Rd (MD side) --> Potomac --> North Potomac --> Germantown --> Yurakus for Sushi Buffet.

Estimated time is 2.5 hour but on bikes we'll be done in about 2. Great Falls Rd VA side is the only place where there's really anything twisty...everything else is flat cruising.

Bring 4 bucks for the Ferry fare. Yuraku's sushi buffet is 13 bucks. It's worth it if you haven't been. Trust me. No worries if you can't stay. I'll eat by myself eff you guys."
that would be about a 4 1/2 hour trip just to get up to you guys for a ride. But Id love to join. Ill try and see what i got planned,but if any ones is around the VA Beach/Hampton roads area, i have a group and we know some of the really good back roads with a bunch of twisties. If any one is ever interested just PM me
Id attempt if i saw this earlier. I'm from Hagerstown and Germantown for a 8:30 kickstand up is just to early for me haha. Keep me in the loop though maybe we can meet half way one of these days in the Frederick area for a meet and ride.
I'm going to try to make it to meet you guys at breakfast and follow you to poolesville before heading home.

It's time to start packing. Moving to the new house on the 20th, and have a possible offer on my house, so s*#! is gettin' real.
How did it go today?

I'm gonna ride EARLY tomorrow morning...

it was ok, it was only a few of us so we did a completely different route and shortened the ride big time. we just chilled at the starbucks and bs'ed for a while before heading out. haha, we were done in an hour and a half?

I did learn a lesson though. I should've been more mindful of the fact that I was familiar with the route we were going on, and the others weren't.

I was leading the group and took the guys on a route I do all the time. well along the route there's a long, tight, and almost completely blind corner with a speed limit marker that says 15mph (right in Historic brookeville...not sure if you know what I'm talking about) but anyway, I practice this corner all the time as it's the only corner I know of lol. and I've gotten to a point where I can consistently take it a lot faster than that speed limit posting. Well...being my first group ride and TOTALLY not thinking about the other guys...I took this corner the way I usually do. Not trying to show off or was just habit.

haha, well the guy behind me was on a cbr 600 rr and he assumed, because of the way I took the corner, that he could hit it a little harder in fact. And that's a safe assumption, I pretty much ride like I have a vagina and was slow all day. haha, yeah he quickly realized it was a lot tighter than he expected and he came REAL close to going off the road.

Wish I could join you in the morning man! I've got work tomorrow :/
it was ok, it was only a few of us so we did a completely different route and shortened the ride big time. we just chilled at the starbucks and bs'ed for a while before heading out. haha, we were done in an hour and a half?

I did learn a lesson though. I should've been more mindful of the fact that I was familiar with the route we were going on, and the others weren't.

I was leading the group and took the guys on a route I do all the time. well along the route there's a long, tight, and almost completely blind corner with a speed limit marker that says 15mph (right in Historic brookeville...not sure if you know what I'm talking about) but anyway, I practice this corner all the time as it's the only corner I know of lol. and I've gotten to a point where I can consistently take it a lot faster than that speed limit posting. Well...being my first group ride and TOTALLY not thinking about the other guys...I took this corner the way I usually do. Not trying to show off or was just habit.

haha, well the guy behind me was on a cbr 600 rr and he assumed, because of the way I took the corner, that he could hit it a little harder in fact. And that's a safe assumption, I pretty much ride like I have a vagina and was slow all day. haha, yeah he quickly realized it was a lot tighter than he expected and he came REAL close to going off the road.

Wish I could join you in the morning man! I've got work tomorrow :/
sucks about tomorrow...

glad no one wrecked. I was starting to wonder since no one posted after it was over.
sucks about tomorrow...

glad no one wrecked. I was starting to wonder since no one posted after it was over.

haha yeah, i was the only 8 rider. I would've posted earlier but I went straight into work
Always miss the rides but I had the boys and I still haven't fitted the side car yet so maybe next time . Getting close to some good riding weather maybe a meetup for some moutain riding up on the blue ridge or something ?

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Always miss the rides but I had the boys and I still haven't fitted the side car yet so maybe next time . Getting close to some good riding weather maybe a meetup for some moutain riding up on the blue ridge or something ?

I'm down for that man, I hear that's the only real good place to ride around here
Man I wish I would have seen this sooner. Seems like a lot of others missed out as well. We should make a thread for the guys in this area to meet up.
you fellas have a facebook? If you're concerned about privacy...we don't have to be 'friends' with one another but we can still all belong to the same MD/VA Fz8 rider group and get more real time updates as far as someone looking to go for a ride, host a DIY garage day, BBQ, etc.

If there's interest I'll look at building a group. Today would've been perfect to ride!