Taking a passenger for the first time...


New member
Hey gents,

Newbie questions, please forgive me...

I'm finally comfortable enough on my bike now that I think I'd like to try taking the lady-friend out with me.

Two questions:

1: Any general advice on what to look out for, or how to ride with someone on the back? I assume I just need to ride slower, turn shallower, and break earlier, but anything beyond that?

2: Do I need to adjust the shock absorber assembly or not? I used the search function but couldn't find a definitive answer. She's pretty short(5'5") and thin.

Hey gents,

Newbie questions, please forgive me...

I'm finally comfortable enough on my bike now that I think I'd like to try taking the lady-friend out with me.

Two questions:

1: Any general advice on what to look out for, or how to ride with someone on the back? I assume I just need to ride slower, turn shallower, and break earlier, but anything beyond that?

2: Do I need to adjust the shock absorber assembly or not? I used the search function but couldn't find a definitive answer. She's pretty short(5'5") and thin.


Make sure you don't have the passenger grips if you want a good long hug.
And read all of this for her.
And all of this for you.
Just remember that your bike will take longer to do things. Get her to sit nice and close to you and put her arms around you. This brings the extra weight closer to the centre of the bike and the passenger doesn't feel like a piece of badly strapped down luggage. She will be more inclined to lean with you then which helps a great deal.

Take it easy and slow until you are confident with the new dynamics of the bike. Before you get on develop a tap system so she can communicate with you. As it may be her first time she might want to tell you to slow down, stop, faster, turn left, right etc. Or just use those headset things :)
Thanks guys, that's good stuff. Any opinions regarding the shock absorber assembly?

I actually cranked it just one notch shy of being all the way tight and just leave it like that all the time (I'm 195lbs - 88kg). It's only uncomfortable when you hit a bump and you reeeeaaaally have to pee...
Then again, I'm still somewhat of a beginner rider and might not know exactly what I'm doing.
But those couple links should have most of what you need to know. I've carried girls of various size and weight and the tips I got from those pages were very valuable.
Only part about passengers I like is the direct company on a ride... Me personally I'm extremely focused when I drive and ride just how i am and on a bike having a passenger I feel distracts me cause now they directly affect how the bike behaves where in a car not at all. But passengers are fun for trips
Only part about passengers I like is the direct company on a ride... Me personally I'm extremely focused when I drive and ride just how i am and on a bike having a passenger I feel distracts me cause now they directly affect how the bike behaves where in a car not at all. But passengers are fun for trips

I like it in cold weather, feels like the back of a heated seat.
I have a custom rear seat for the FZ8, it is a Top sellerie seat ,black, with gold stitching ,never used a great seat for passenger comfort ,and has the optional gel installed. $100 CDN funds plus shipping.
I have a custom rear seat for the FZ8, it is a Top sellerie seat ,black, with gold stitching ,never used a great seat for passenger comfort ,and has the optional gel installed. $100 CDN funds plus shipping.

I'm assuming you're keeping the rider seat from TS. How do you like the looks with just the rider seat?
Hey gents,

Newbie questions, please forgive me...

I'm finally comfortable enough on my bike now that I think I'd like to try taking the lady-friend out with me.

Two questions:

1: Any general advice on what to look out for, or how to ride with someone on the back? I assume I just need to ride slower, turn shallower, and break earlier, but anything beyond that?

2: Do I need to adjust the shock absorber assembly or not? I used the search function but couldn't find a definitive answer. She's pretty short(5'5") and thin.

Be sure to blast around like a man possessed, up on the back wheel, stoppies and a bit of knee down and you'll never have to worry about a passenger ever again ;)
Be sure to blast around like a man possessed, up on the back wheel, stoppies and a bit of knee down and you'll never have to worry about a passenger ever again ;)

I tried doubling on the FZ8, 10 minutes later i dropped passenger off and will never do that again. Pretty hard to enjoy the bike with a person slammed up against you. :eek:
some new passengers try to lean the opposite way to you when first going around bends (they try to stay upright). Stop the bike safely as soon as you can and gently tell her that it's actually safer for both of you if she leans with you, rather than fighting with the the lean angle of the bike.

I tend to let a new pillion know if I'm about to do a over take or change speed suddenly - A tap of the leg or a squeeze of the hand or something.

Also if it's her first time on the bike she may find the wind rushing past/through the helmet quite a breathless experience - don't go fast unless you ask if shes ready and she has a devilish look in her eye ;)
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Hey gents,

Newbie questions, please forgive me...

I'm finally comfortable enough on my bike now that I think I'd like to try taking the lady-friend out with me.

Two questions:

1: Any general advice on what to look out for, or how to ride with someone on the back? I assume I just need to ride slower, turn shallower, and break earlier, but anything beyond that?

2: Do I need to adjust the shock absorber assembly or not? I used the search function but couldn't find a definitive answer. She's pretty short(5'5") and thin.


Funny you asked that question! I recently took my wife on the FZ8 and I didn't adjust suspension to compensate for passenger and it felt like an old cadillac with worn shocks and no springs! LOL! (before some people get ahead of themselves, She's 5'5 and thin too!) So I pulled over and stiffened suspension couple clicks and man did that help! Just make sure you at least tell her to somewhat mirror your movements in turns, because at first she was scared and would lean left when im turning right and was making the turn a heck of a lot harder! And when coming to even a slow stop she would lean on and into me making my wrist/arms to hold her up. After 10mins of practice with her, she/I figured it out! But secretly I dislike a passenger on that kind of bike! And I dont think I wanna take her again! LOL...Only way I would even consider taking her on a ride again comfortably, is on a Harley Bagger with passenger back rest!
make sure u are ready

i just watched my friend who thought he was ready for a passenger go down under a guard rail with his brothers gf on the back :( inexperienced rider not knowing the extra weight and mabie a novice passenger can be a big problem

so be sure u are ready
Make sure you don't have the passenger grips if you want a good long hug.
And read all of this for her.
And all of this for you.

Great links! I feel very comfortable with a passenger and always give a pep talk to someone new, but the "for them" read has some great tips like having them look over the shoulder of the way you are turning.

One thing I'd add that it didn't cover as much (unless I totally missed it) is big sudden movements. Mainly looking backwards. Always sucks flying down the road and the passenger jerks around to look backwards at something. I never forget bringing that up lol ;p