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Removed a few scratches from my visor


New member
I have been trying to find something that would work for a long time but i ended up buying a new visor for my Shark Vision-R. the visor cost me about $65 and i felt like it was a rip off but it was buy that or a new helmet. So after a week i was leaving the garage and i wasnt paying attention to the garage door and i scratched my new visor at a very eye catching spot!

I saw this product on the web and bought some to try again.

View attachment 2614

So after the first application and rubbing in circles for about 5 minutes i thought i saw a slight improvement. i kept going and slowly it disappeared! after about 8 applications and 5-8 minutes of rubbing each time. I will always keep this stuff around and will try to restore the old visor too now that i know it works.
awesome, might have to grab a bottle. i got a couple nicks on the right side of my visor that annoy me.
my plastic guy hooked me up w/this stuff years ago ,this shit works,start w/novus 3 than novus 2 than polish w/novus 1, works wonders on my wr250x plastics they look brand new .
Another absolute must for cheap fixes!!! Will add it to my other favorite - Seal Mate, used for cleaning fork seals and nasty fork oil leaks!!!!

Thanks for sharing :rockon:
I have been using Meguir's Mirror Glaze #17 for Clear Plastic. Works great on light scratches. In the good old days I used tooth paste, worked good but you had to take it easy.
I have been using Meguir's Mirror Glaze #17 for Clear Plastic. Works great on light scratches. In the good old days I used tooth paste, worked good but you had to take it easy.

Depends on which toothpaste you used. Some are grainier than other. Aquafresh is pretty fine. Paper towel and toothpaste is what i used to fix a scratch on my face shield.
Cheap Ass

i use furniture polish to get light scratches out, also the polish make the water bead off and bug come off eaiser. but needs to be applied often if your in the rainy season