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Minnesota group ride


New member
Hello everyone,

If there are riders who are interested in meeting up in Minnesota for a ride, let's link up! Additionally, if you have knowledge of great roads in Minnesota/Wisconsin please share.
Come join the other forum..it is way more active.. I've talked to a few MN riders and a lot of WI/Chicago on there. But riding up and down the river on 61 and 35(WI) is great. Highway 95 to Arcadia is fun... any alphabet county in WI is great but wait tell rain washes the gravel out. The farther south you go in WI the better!
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There are a ton of good long rides winding up and down the bluffs in WI. You definitely need to watch the gravel though. Certain roads will have gravel all year long, but you can find some awesome roads that are clean. 60 near Wabasha and some tangents from there is fun. Some of my favorites in WI are Cty Rd H from Mondovi to 121, Cty Rd Q from 121 to Independence, Cty Rd D from Whitehall to 95. That's a pretty long ride from the Cities though, but a good day trip to ride around that area. Since 95 was brought up, I've heard a lot of good things about Hansen's Hold-Up as a food stop on the ridge that 95 runs along. Umyaya and I randomly rode past each other and met on Cty Rd 7 through Welch. That's a fun one too, but I've definitely gotten close to slamming into turkeys around the corners. I'm always up for a group ride...not much for organizing them, so just let me know when and where.
I know jassalambia and effzeaate have fz8s in MN. Haven't seen them that active on the forum. Yeah Welch is a fun road.. gotta be careful of animals and cars/grain trucks going through. I always love when I see random sport bikers on that road... fun to play cat and mouse with. Lots of squids though...
Is this falling through? A group ride soon is in order! Weather has been decent and a lot of rain so roads are decent. Let's go zooooom.