


My debit card got hacked. I think we found out soon enough that not much damage was done. Time will tell. That damn card is canceled now though.
That sux, hopefully that bank takes care of you on all of the charges. Shit like this makes me think about going back to just an ATM card.
That sux, hopefully that bank takes care of you on all of the charges. Shit like this makes me think about going back to just an ATM card.

Shit like this makes me think about just going back to cash, and barrying my money. LMAO

Hate thieves. Two people I can not stand to be around, liars and thieves.

Sorry you got hacked homie. Hopefully they did not get you to good, and you get it all refunded.

If the debit card had a visa logo on it you should be fine. They usually cover all challenged charges.

I had that happen to my Chase Credit Card a few years back. I as in AZ, and got a call at 9 am asking if I was trying to buy a TV in Chicago at Walmart for $1200. That was exciting and they took care of everything.
That blows dude.

My wife had her identity stolen a few years back. It is the worst.
I appreciate you guys and I spoke to the bank. Should have every cent returned. I'm just angry that it happened.
Last year I had two banks automatically cut my card off because there was fraud done on em. Very scary when you have cards with 3k up limits. I used to use the CC for everything for the rewards, but I stopped 'cause that's how I think my info was getting out there.
We've all gotten drunk and ordered way too much stuff on indysuperbikes.com and blamed it on that... no need to feel bad about it... lol that does suck though, that's why I always go credit, they always refund any rogue hacking purchases.
damn dude, sorry to hear! I've been there too, such a headache! I hope your bank reimburses you the fraudulent expenses at least.